NI Dyslexia Centre Covid Tuition Policy

To ensure the safety and protection of tutors, pupils and their parents or carers we are putting in place the following measures: please accept my apology for the very formal tone!

To minimise traffic in the Centre:

There is sanitiser available  in the porch: pupils should wash their hands before lessons.

In the case of a new pupil, a short appointment will be arranged at the beginning of the first lesson for the tutor, the parent/s and the pupil to get to know each other and discuss the pupil’s programme.

The same arrangement can be made when reviewing a pupil’s progress.

A record of attendance will be kept, of course, if tracing should be needed.

If your child should test positive for Covid they should not attend for lessons until it is safe to do so. A Zoom lesson may be available.

Pupils should bring a sealable bag with pencil/s, pen/s, highlighter/s, rubber and pencil sharpener: this can be labelled with their name and kept in the Centre to be used exclusively in lessons here.